Lord clean me up
Lord clean me up

lord clean me up

Instead, he stood there, lips curled and eyebrows raised, and said, "You have egg on your face." I expected my husband to do what I felt Jesus would have done-grab a towel and help clean me up. I stood dumbfounded-frozen as if I really were hit by shrapnel. Shrapnel of egg hit me square in the face speckled my hair, and splattered my clothes. When the water hit the eggs, those that hadn't already burst exploded at that very moment. Fragments of egg were everywhere! In my attempt to fix the situation, I grabbed the scalding pot and thrust it under cold water. I turned toward the kitchen and found our lab looking up at the stove, tail wagging as if to say, "Up there!" Upon further investigation, I realized I forgot that I had put eggs in a pot to boil My forgetfulness created an unfolding of events that ultimately led to eggs exploding. One day, while my husband and I worked upstairs in our home offices, I heard a loud pop. “Can we attest to moments of blowing it? I'm not a very good cook. Perhaps you have witnessed (or experienced) a similar kingdom-stripping.” Wow! Most of my failures have taken some time for the consequences to kick in, but I wonder if there was an instant, while the words were still in my mouth, when the Father determined-at that very moment-so strip me of my kingdom. While the boastful words are still in the kings mouth, God takes Nebuchadnezzar's kingdom away from him. The word sovereignty here means the ability to rule the kingdom. "While the word was in the king's mouth, a voice came from heaven, saying, 'King Nebuchadnezzar, to you it is declared: sovereignty has been removed from you'" (Daniel 4:31). And like King Nebuchadnezzar, I have stood on the brink of disaster without a worry in the world.

Lord clean me up full#

I've been full of myself, full of my pride. “How many times do we take credit for the work of our own hands, believing we are working harder and smarter than everyone else, and that somehow we deserve the success we have achieved? Like Nebuchadnezzar, I have basked in my own success and declared my perceived value with only a mere hat-tip to the Creator of it all. Right in the middle of "Amazing Grace," The wife once more blurted out, "Sing 'Jesus Loves Me'!" Tina, switched gears and sang, "Yes, Jesus loves me." Tears streamed down the man's cheeks as he sang with her, "Yes, Jesus loves me." His words were broken and he could hardly say them, but in that moment, he worshiped the God who was about to take him home. He could hardly take in air, and his chest heaved while his wife wept. At the start of the process, the patient's wife shouted, "Sing 'Amazing Grace'?" Deciding to minister rather than work, Tina sang "Amazing Grace." The patient's distress was overwhelming. Music therapists use music to match the beat of a patient's heart rate, and as the therapist slows down the beat of music, most of the time the heart rate follows, as well as the breathing. One day, as she prepared to leave the hospice floor at the hospital, a nurse called her back to work with a patient in respiratory arrest. Tina shares a dramatic story from her work as a music therapist for hospice. Let me encourage you and your messed up man, should he be willing, to begin to worship God from your place of brokenness. Blessed be the name of the Lord'" (Job 1:20-21). The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. He said, 'Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I shall return there. “We know Job's faith survived because his reaction to his devastating loss was to worship God: "Then Job arose and tore his robe and shaved his head, and he fell to the ground and worshiped. A sure sign of when I'm trying to control things, people, or circumstances is that I get frustrated, develop a bad attitude, and usually end up angry.” I've even tried to control Tina (not a good idea). After all, doesn't someone need to control the bad behaviors of others? But after fifty-one years of life on this planet, including thirty years of marriage, I've concluded that the only thing I can control is my attitude.

lord clean me up

I've manipulated and thrown temper tantrums trying to get another person to behave the way that seemed best to me. One of the most impossible things to control is something walking around on two legs called a human being.

lord clean me up

I've seen trouble coming and fought, fumed, and frazzled myself trying to control circumstances and situations. “I wouldn't consider myself a control freak, but I've had my moments.

Lord clean me up